Author Archives: Hair Care Science

Can a regular shampoo be made into a clarifying shampoo with the addition of vinegar?

Can a regular shampoo be made into a clarifying shampoo with the addition of vinegar

A clarifying shampoo is formulated to remove, better than a regular shampoo, the residues that are left on the hair by continuous application of leave-on products or other rinse-off products (e.g., if you want to try a shampoo of a new brand, you can perceive better the results that this new product will give to […]

How many hairs do people have on their head?

How many hairs do people have on their head

The number of hairs per head depends on the hair density (hairs/scalp area). The hair density varies by ethnicity, age, scalp region and scalp conditions such as male and female pattern alopecia. Considering most of the scientific data available, there’s a consensus that, in average, a head has around 100,000 hairs. Some scientific studies suggest […]

What age does hair start thinning?

What age does hair start thinning?

The common way that we measure the thickness of hair is based on measurements of the individual hair fibers diameter. The picture below illustrates what we measure on hair using specific equipment (imagine a line passing through the center of a hair fiber). To have a good statistic on the changes of hair diameter (or […]

Do you get more split ends the longer your hair gets?

Do you get more split ends the longer your hair gets

In general, you get more split ends the longer your hair gets, but it’s possible to keep a beautiful, long hair with very few or no split ends. Split ends are the result of the deterioration of the hair cuticles, so the internal part of the hair (cortex) starts to be visible. It happens because, […]

Should hair care be different for older people?

Should hair care be different for older people

As a person ages, hormonal changes contribute to changes in the hair, the most noticeable changes are hair thinning, hair graying, and dryness of the hair and scalp. Hair thinning in general is not noticeable in women until the mid to late twenties. With increasing age, the hair becomes thinner, what can lead to a […]